18 January 2010

സംസ്ഥാന സിക്സസ് ഹോക്കി ടൂര്‍ണമെന്റ് തുടങ്ങി

സംസ്ഥാന സിക്സസ് ഹോക്കി ടൂര്‍ണമെന്റ് തുടങ്ങി

Sunday, January 17, 2010
ചെമ്മങ്കടവ്: സംസ്ഥാന സിക്സസ് ഹോക്കി ടൂര്‍ണമെന്റ് ചെമ്മങ്കടവ് പി.എം.എസ്.എ.എം ഹൈസ്കൂള്‍ ഗ്രൌണ്ടില്‍ തുടങ്ങി. ഉദ്ഘാടന മല്‍സരത്തില്‍ തിരുവനന്തപുരം ജി.വി രാജാ ടീം മൂന്ന് ഗോളുകള്‍ക്ക് ചെമ്മങ്കടവ് സ്കൂള്‍ ബി ടീമിനെ തോല്‍പിച്ചു.
യു.പി സ്കൂളുകളുടെ മല്‍സരത്തില്‍ ഏകപക്ഷീയമായ ഒരു ഗോളിന് ചെമ്മങ്കടവ് ജി.എം.യു.പി സ്കൂള്‍ കോഡൂര്‍ എ.എം.യു.പി സ്കൂളിനെ പരാജയപ്പെടുത്തി. ഇന്ന് രാവിലെ ഒമ്പതിന് തൃശൂര്‍ ടീം ജി.ബി.എച്ച്.എസ് മലപ്പുറവുമായി ഏറ്റുമുട്ടും. ഉച്ചക്ക് 12 മണി മുതല്‍ അമ്പയേഴ്സ് ക്ലിനിക്കും നടക്കും.
ടൂര്‍ണമെന്റ്  കെ.എന്‍. അബ്ദുറസാഖ് ഉദ്ഘാടനം ചെയ്തു. പി.ടി.എ പ്രസിഡന്റ് ഓടക്കല്‍ അബ്ദുല്ലക്കുട്ടി അധ്യക്ഷത വഹിച്ചു. കെ.ടി. മജീദ്, എം.കെ. ഉസ്മാന്‍, എം. സജീഷ്കുമാര്‍, ടി.എ. കബീര്‍, എന്‍.കെ. കുഞ്ഞിമുഹമ്മദ്, വി. അബ്ദുറഊഫ് എന്നിവര്‍ സംസാരിച്ചു.

06 January 2010

Nostalgic Pictures

Some Nostalgic Pictures from Chemmenkadavu


03 September 2009

Read Quran Online

In the Holy month of Ramzan, when everybody is engaged in reading Holy Quran, Chemmenkdavu Blog leads to an online version of Quran. Where you can read Quran Online, You can drag pages as if you are reading a printed Musuhaf. You also have facility to enhance the size of some parts of the page using a Zoom option... there are many many options. All chemmen kadavu Blog readers are requested to visit this at http://www.quranflash.com/en/index.html# religious

01 September 2009

Cholakkal Madrasa Inaugurated

Newly reconstructed Irshadiyya Madarasa was inaugurated by Sayyid Sadiq Ali Shihab Thangal in a function hosted at Mardrasa on 06-08-2008. This Madrasa was orginally started during 1968 and serving as leading light for the Religious Education for the Cholakkal region.

Feature about Thorappa Mustafa (from archive)

Speech by Samadani Part -1

Men Tech Groups Backery Inugurated

In a boost to Sweet Lovers of Chemmenkadavu, a new Backery has been inaugurated in Chemmen Kadavu Town. This new initiative is from MenTech Group.

Thuppinikkatt Unneen Kakka- A Report

His hand-worked gear lever changed Musthafa's life ..

An Article published in The Outlook Magazine 12th Nov 2001, about Mustafa Thorappa For 35-year-old T. Musthafa, Race Against Time is not just a song, it’s an anthem. Ask him about his physical disability and he’s quick to quote Albert Camus: "In the midst of winter, I finally learned there was in me, an invincible summer." And it is this indefatigable spirit of summer that’s helped this ex-taxi driver and now owner of a bakery chain from Kerala’s Malappuram district overcome his handicap. An accident involving a speeding jeep in 1994 left Musthafa with a severely damaged spinal cord. He had been a taxi driver for 14 years then, now he was left paralysed waist below and bed-ridden. "Before that day, I could do 10,000 things. Now, six years down the line, there are probably 9,000. I can either dwell on the 1,000 I can’t, or focus on the 9,000 I can. I don’t think I miss my legs anymore," says Musthafa bravely. Today, he’s loving every moment of his new role—he moves around town in his specially designed Maruti 800 and loves it when people address him as an "automobile mechanic". Unwilling to spend the rest of his life in bed, Musthafa, just two years after the accident, designed a four-wheel Kinetic Honda scooter which helped him move around town. But he says, "The seats were not comfortable and I wanted more from it. You know... I always loved the outdoors." He shifted his attention from the scooter and started tinkering with his taxi. And soon he had an idea—a specially-designed gear lever for the accelerator, brake and the clutch. Right then, he knew he’d got a cure for his immobility. With the support of the local Index Maruti Service Center, Musthafa was once again moving around town, this time much more comfortably—he could now control the vehicle with just one hand. "I have a good life now because of this gear lever. And I am doing things I never thought I could," says Musthafa, his eyes beaming with pride when he talks about the 13 other vehicles in the country which have also been fitted with his invention. "There’s no reason to be fatalistic. And after what I have gone through, the desire to help my fellow men came naturally," he says. A complete set of the lever, for those with both legs damaged, Musthafa says, comes for a price of around Rs 20,000-25,000. A one-leg apparatus for those with partial disability costs as low as Rs 5,000. "I am not looking for any profits from my invention. But this price also promises a new life, so I think it’s worth it," he says. For now, Musthafa says his design has been fitted only on Maruti 800s, but buoyed by the response, he’s already experimenting on a design for other cars as well. Musthafa’s genius has brought hope for others too. For 23-year-old Juno, an engineering student from Ernakulam, life had come to a standstill after January 14, 1999, when a speeding lorry hit his bike, leaving him paralysed waist below. Today, Juno’s not pursuing his engineering diploma anymore, but his life is no less better—he runs a duty-free shop, a library in the coastal city, has about a dozen people working under him, and often goes for long drives to Bangalore and neighbouring cities. As he says: "I have sort of forgotten about my handicap now. I want to get all that I can from life. Musthafa has given me the means to indulge my love for travel. Right now, that’s what’s most important to me." Thirty-six-year-old Regi, who runs a body-building workshop for heavy vehicles in Thodupuzha, Idukki district, Kerala, is yet another man touched by Musthafa’s creation. He has been using the design for the last two years on his 800 after being injured while fixing a client’s lorry. And yes, he too is paralysed from waist below. "I am not married but how does that matter. Thanks to Musthafa, I’m able to supervise the work in the workshop, run around for spare parts and do everything like a normal man," he says. Meanwhile, Musthafa still needs his wife Safiya and nine-year-old son Murshid to take him on a wheelchair to the car. But the gear lever, he says, has changed everything in his life—for the better. To know more about his invention, contact T. Musthafa, s/o Pocker, Chenmakadavu Kodur (P.O), Malappuram district, Kerala. Ph:0493—737572/736748 Courtesy: http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?213711

10 April 2008

When Chemman Kadavu Was flooded (during 2007)

Chemmenkadavu was affected with a bad flood during 2007, as in many low laying parts of Malappuram District. Entire route to Cholakkal was flooded and many of the Houses on the bank of Kadalundi puza like in Kolakkattil Palliyali etc were completely affected with flood. During this flood water level of the Kadalundi puzha was touching the top of "Nooradi" Bridge, and places like Mylappuram, Kottappadi, Valiyangadi, Varangode etc were completely stranded. Select photos of flood affected Chemmen Kadavu will be added here soon.

Kongayam Masjid

Kongayam Masjid, which is one of the famous Masjids in this Malappuram District. Kongayam Masjid is famous for it's 'Dars' where hundreds of students have undergone their 'deeni' education (religious education) in the path of Allah. Eminent personalities have been teaching here as Mudarris. Kongayam Masjid is located in a panoramic site on the bank of "Kadalundi Puzha". Masjid is bing decorated with beautiful wooden carvings. Now (during 2007-2008) Masjid is undergoing renovation, in need of better facilities. It is located in Cholakkal 1 KM away from Chemmen Kadavu town. A View of the reconstruction work of this Masjid is given below Photo Courtesy: Mohd Rafeeq Source: Chemmenkadavu Yahoo Group.

29 June 2006

Web blog for Chemmenkadavu

Dear Friends from Chemmenkadavu, All of you are invited to view this blog. This blog will be featuring the Chemmenkadavu in Cyber Space. With warm regards Sainul Abideen Paloli